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Monday, January 4, 2021

IIHF 2021 World Junior Hockey Championship Semifinals Team USA Vs Team Finland


Team USA Record Before The Game


Team Finland Record Before The Game


Pregame Notes: Team Finland is undefeated throughout the tournament this year. Both Team USA and Team Finland have the best power plays in the tournament. 

1st Period analysis: Both teams played good throughout the 1st period of play. Team USA had good puck possession throughout the period and kept the pressure in the offensive zone. Team Finland capitalized on one of two power play opportunities in the period. Towards the end of the period Team USA let Team Finland have more time in their zone which led to Team Finland tying the game. Team USA also took bad penalties late in the period as well. 

1st Period Goals: Team USA Goal Scored by number 15 Alex Turcottethe goal was his (1st of the game and 2nd of the tournament). Time of the goal 12:39. Team Finland goal scored by number 29 Kasper Simontaival, the goal was his (1st of the game and 3rd of the tournament). Time of the goal 14:06 

1st Period Penalties: Team USA penalty to number 22 Sam Colangelo 2 minute minor for Slashing. Time of the penalty 13:31. Team USA penalty to number 15 Alex Turcotte 2 minute minor for Tripping. Time of the penalty 17:30.

2nd Period analysis: Team Finland continued to add more pressure into the offensive zone, they managed to get pucks deep into the corner. Team USA has gotten some shots early and a chance from long stretch pass but Team Finland has maintained the puck into the zone throughout the period. Team USA got some pucks on net and put pressure into the offensive zone with shots from the slot and rebounds, but nothing has found the back of the net since the first period. Finland managed to keep the puck in the zone through the rest of the period and get more shots on target. Alex Turcotte and have Trevor Zegras had some good chances in the period as well. Team USA took a penalty 11 minutes in which lead to Team Finland getting tons of chances but couldn’t not score. Team USA scored on a breakaway as John Farinacci ripped the puck top shelf to give Team USA late in the period. Cole Caufield set up a sick pass on the power play to Matthew Boldy who tipped on his backhand to give Team USA a two goal advantage. After Team USA scored they swarmed the net and pressured Team Finland in the final minutes of the period. 

2nd Period Goals: Team USA goal scored by number 21 John Farinacci, the goal was his (1st of the game and 5th of the tournament). Time of the goal 15:53, Team USA goal scored by number 12 Matthew Boldy the goal was his (1st of the game and 3rd of the tournament). Time of the goal 17:00. 

2nd Period Penalties: Team USA penalty to number 3 Henry Thrun 2 minute minor for Interference. Time of the penalty 11:36. Team Finland penalty to number 34 Aku Raty 4 minute double minor for High Sticking, Time of the penalty 16:21. 

3rd Period analysis: Team Finland put pressure in the Team USA zone early and get some chances on goal. Team USA kept the puck into the offensive zone to try and kill the game off but with eight minutes left Team Finland got a goal back to keep the game within one. Towards the end of the game Finland continued the pressure and made some good passing plays, Team USA played good defense and kept Team Finland in their own zone and Team USA goaltender Spencer Knight made some decent saves to keep Team USA in the game with the one goal lead. towards the final minutes of the period. Team USA took a penalty late in the game and Team Finland capitalized to tie the game. Team USA buried a goal with 1:06 to go in regulation to GIVE TEAM USA THE LEAD! That goal was the game winning goal and Team USA will face rivals Team Canada in the gold medal game! 

3rd Period Goals: Team Finland goal scored by number 29 Kasper Simontaival, the goal was his (1st of the game and 3rd of the tournament). Time of the goal 10:38. Team Finland goal scored by number 22 Roni Hirvonen, the goal was his (1st of the game and 2nd of the tournament). Time of the goal 16:17.  Team USA goal scored by number 28 Arthur Kaliyev, the goal was his (1st of the game and 3rd of the tournament). Time of the 18:54.

3rd Period Penalties: Team USA penalty to number 2  3 Henry Thrun minute minor for Delay Of Game (puck over glass). Time of the penalty 4:44.

Team USA Record After The Game


Team Finland Record After The Game


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