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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

LA Kings Off Ice Update 2-17-16

One of the reasons why the Kings aren't doing well is because they have lost two straight games in a row and one of their best left wingers, (number 12) Marian Gaborik, is out with a knee injury. In my opinion, with Gaborik being out, the King's chances at staying in 1st place in the Pacific Division are slim. The reason why I think that is because the Kings cross county rivals the Anaheim Ducks are three points behind them. If the Kings want to start winning games, they need to put the pucks in the net, and get more scoring opportunities. The Kings also need to avoid taking penalties that cost them during a game. The next Kings game will be on Thursday, February 18th, when the Kings take on the St. Louis Blues at the Scottrade center in St. Louis Missouri. I will share my thoughts and a recap of the game tomorrow night. Thanks for reading today's Kings Off Ice Update. Have a great rest of your day. Go Kings Go!

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