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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Personal Thoughts on the Kings Front Office Management

The Kings need to make some changes in their front office. Head coach John Stevens was the associate head coach for the Kings, since 2012 he was the teams head coach last season. Since Stevens has taken over the head coaching position the Kings have been terrible. I personally think the Kings need to fire Stevens and bring in a new head coach that can switch up the style of hockey the Kings have been playing. The team needs to start playing with more speed and skill and having younger players come up and play with the team, as well as being a more speed team like most teams in the league play with. General Manager Rob Blake and President Luc Robitallie need to be gone as well. I personal think that the Kings need to blow up the front office along with the team. Having former players run the business side of things hasn't helped the Kings becasue they are still playing of hockey since 2012 and they need to move on with that. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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